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Kaprao rice is very popular dish in Thailand and some Thais eat it almost everyday !

And, I am one of those who loves Kaprao rice.

At the time I moved to here, Kaprao rice still not popular among of Japanese like today. So, it's a bit difficult to find ingredients for cooking this. ( I am not living in big city)

But now so luckily, basil leaves is selling at supermarket near my place.

Today, I just cooked it and recipe is below:


Garlic ニンニク
Chilli とうがらし
Vegetable oil 油
Minced pork 豚ミンチ
Oyster sauce オイスターソース
Fish sauce ナンプラー
Shouyu or Light soy sauce 醤油
Sugar 砂糖
Basil バジル
Black soy sauce (optional)

1) Heat vegetable oil and then add finely chopped garlic and chilli, fry until fragrant.
2) Add meats and a little bit of water.
3) Then, add fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar and a little bit of black aoy sauce.
4) Turn of heat, and adding basil leaves.
5) Put on rice & fried egg

Done and ready to eat

If you have any question
Please leave it in comment

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Ph.D student 🎓 Traveller 🏖✈️Love to cook 🍱

